martes, 4 de abril de 2017

Environment Angelica crespo

The environment is a system formed by natural and artificial elements that are interrelated and are modified by human action. It is the environment that conditions the way of life of society and includes natural, social and cultural values ​​that exist in a given place and time.
Living things, soil, water, air, man-made physical objects and symbolic elements (such as traditions, for example) make up the environment. The conservation of this is essential for the sustainable life of present and future generations.
It could be said that the environment includes physical factors (such as climate and geology), biological (human population, flora, fauna, water) and socio-economic factors (labor activity, urbanization, social conflicts). It is known as ecosystem the set formed by all the biotic factors of an area and the abiotic factors of the environment; In other words, it is a community of living beings with interrelated life processes. Ecology is another notion related to the environment, since it deals with the discipline that studies the relationship between living beings and their environment, whose subsistence can be guaranteed through ecological behavior, which respects and protects natural resources.
Unfortunately, the human being does his best to attack his own species and against others, through various actions that affect each of the elements that make up the environment. Beginning with soil and water, inorganic waste strewn in nature is a real time bomb: unless someone picks them up, the day will come when they stand between the animals and the ground.
Medio ambienteMedio ambienteResultado de imaxes para el medio ambienteImaxe relacionada

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