The EGB Basic or General Education began in 1970 and was made up of 8 compulsory school courses divided into two stages:
First step: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th of EGB.
Second stage: 6th, 7th and 8th of EGB.
Over 10 years divided into three stages:
Initial cycle: 1st and 2nd GBS.
Average cycle: 3rd, 4th and 5th of EGB.
Higher Cycle: 6th, 7th and 8th of EGB.
From the middle of the cycle, was formed by the subjects of Language, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, foreign language (usually French or Languages)
Art Education, Religion or Ethics and Physical Education,
and also depending on the autonomous region could have a chair over.
Once the basic education there were two paths: FP and BUP. who does not managed to approve all subjects, resulting in the School graduate received Certificate of schooling, which allowed to continue studies in vocational training (FP).
Who was the snack in EGB?
When out of the classes, snacks in EGB, had a very important role, had been summer or winter,the houses could not miss a loaf of bread and a chocolate bar, in summer the ice cream cartelhad a great multitude of them some ice cream, for example were Popeye, an ice cream orangeor lemon, had no kind of design, was rectangular, but that made it out cheaper (20ptas).Another was Colajet, with a design in the form of rocket, with two slices lower cola and lemonbut he had built a tip of chocolate, an ice cream that did not appear in any cartel but if soldin all the kiosks of one, two, or three flavors was cut, you put the price and kiosk pulled thathuge knife and gave a cut of the bar ice cream, this was cutting.Not only, ice cream, if not the time to give us a reward,which in the first we thought it was gum and jellies in the first recall some chewing gum is acomprising three circles bound together wrapped ina silver paper with a stranger name Bazooka,another was Cheiw gum, with its unique flavor Strawberry sour everyone knew,leading the world of jelly beans, were the Palotes, the Peta-Zetas and the Pita Gol.Nadia Gago Pérez 4ºB
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